Quotes From "We Awaken" By Calista Lynne

You told me how you hate daffodils because they’re morbid. They stick around for a month making everything lemon drop yellow, then die and get replaced by worse flowers. How the hell does an elementary schooler grasp the concept of beauty not being permanent? Calista Lynne
At the graveyard there was no hope, so there was nothing to lose and no chance for disappointment. Calista Lynne
Ashlinn was lovely to look upon, someone who could easily snub half of the highest-paid stars in Hollywood and break the hearts of the rest. Calista Lynne
The second her lips met mine a million dreams began to flicker before my still-open eyes. Calista Lynne
And i've just kept dancing. I don't know if i've overcome these things, but the music never stopped, so neither did I. Calista Lynne
Maybe I wouldn’t ever be obligated to have sex with another person in order to make them stay with me. The thought was freeing: I wouldn’t have to pretend. It was just a matter of finding someone else who understood. Calista Lynne